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Industry: Nonprofit and IGO
NEAL delivers reliability, efficiency, and more value for Aboriginal communities with Microsoft 365
Industry: Healthcare
St. Luke’s University Health Network prescribes proactive, unified protection with Microsoft Security solutions
Industry: Professional and Business Services
Innovative cloud technology consultancy LAB3 chooses Microsoft Security platform for itself and its customers
Industry: Retail and Consumer Goods
Marks and Spencer is boosting sustainability and inclusivity initiatives with Surface Go 2 and Surface Hub 2S
Industry: Energy and Resources
Energy company improves power grid operation with Azure-based web platform
Industry: Government
The City of Zagreb facilitates kindergarten enrollment and management with Microsoft Azure
Industry: Financial Services
DVAG embraces omnichannel intranet solution from workai
Industry: Retail and Consumer Goods
Global almond supplier engages with AgreeYa to drive digital transformation
Industry: Energy and Resources
Non-stop cloud migration: EAM moves 80 applications to the Azure cloud within six months
Industry: Government
Invitalia implements secure cloud-first strategy with Check Point and Microsoft Azure
Industry: Retail and Consumer Goods
PROTORIA modernizes its IT infrastructure with Microsoft Azure and the guidance of Cloud Services
Industry: Financial Services
Yapı Kredi enhances its data assisted management culture by capitalizing on business intelligence across all units via Power BI
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