The Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków is part of the Jagiellonian University, one of Europe’s oldest academic institutions. Preserving a centuries-old legacy of research excellence, the university harnesses cutting-edge technology to enhance the education of future doctors. Recently, it acquired Microsoft HoloLens 2 mixed reality headsets to use in the classroom. Combining mixed reality capabilities with apoQlar’s holomedicine technology, the university is poised to teach students modern medical imagery and 3D object processing—bringing aspiring doctors up to speed with the tools and solutions they will be using in their day-to-day work.
Founded in 1364, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland ranks among the world's longest-standing higher education institutions. Driven by the organization's leading principle—"Inspired by the past, we shape the future”—Jagiellonian University Medical College (JUMC) equips the new generation of doctors with skills for their futures, including the use of augmented reality (AR) technologies. As hospitals upgrade their tools and methods, universities follow suit, teaching the doctors-in-training to use them skillfully.
"We wanted to establish an augmented laboratory in the JUMC where students and young physicians can have a look at medical data through Microsoft HoloLens 2," explains Dr. Klaudia Proniewska, Ph.D. Eng. in Biomedical Engineering at the JUMC.
Reaching a new medical dimension
"Today's diagnostic imagery exhibits certain shortcomings. Usually, physicians work with 2D images. But our brain works in 3D," says Dr. Proniewska. By displaying hyper-realistic, patient-specific hologram models, the AR technology adds the third dimension to medical imaging. A look into the human body clarifies a surgical procedure's steps, for example. "You immediately see the depth of any object, which is very important when you are planning some procedure and structure intervention," stresses Dr. Proniewska.
A mixed reality model for medical education
Dr. Proniewska contacted apoQlar, a member of the Microsoft Partner Network that specializes in mixed reality technology, to develop a tailored solution based on HoloLens 2 and powered by Microsoft Azure. She gathered the funds—a grant financed by the National Center for Research and Development and the Jagiellonian University, headed by Włodzimierz Moczurad and Mariusz Trojak—to obtain ten devices that enable students to manipulate lifelike 3D models. Each upgraded headset is equipped with text-to-speech capabilities to enable hands-free operation; thus, students can take notes or conduct video calls faster, more conveniently, and without touching the device. Self-contained and connected to Wi-Fi, HoloLens 2 ensures user mobility. "It's both lightweight and portable and works without being plugged into another device, so setting up a headset takes just a few, incredibly simple steps," confirms apoQlar's VP, Lukasz Radomski. By now, 63 percent of academic teachers and 67 percent of students think learning with mixed reality has more advantages than traditional education, according to a Jagiellonian University survey.
The teaching program is just being launched, but Dr. Proniewska already has a group of over 20 simulations waiting in the pipeline to be used in her classes. The university's group of hospitals are running pilot surgeries utilizing the equipment, as well. One such surgery was a pioneering medical procedure to treat atrial septal defect, and was performed by Professor Dariusz Dudek at the University Hospital in Kraków. "There is no doubt augmented reality will accelerate the speed at which we learn things. And the faster we learn, the sooner we will improve everyday medical practice," concludes Dr. Proniewska.
“We wanted to establish an augmented laboratory in the JUMC where students and young physicians can have a look at medical data through Microsoft HoloLens 2.”
Dr. Klaudia Proniewska, Ph.D. Eng. in Biomedical Engineering, Jagiellonian University Medical College
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