The LBV (Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern e. V.) is a nature conservation association that relies on fundraising and volunteers in its focus on the preservation of biodiversity. As their supporter network grew, managing it became increasingly challenging, a problem that was aggravated by its aging and increasingly inefficient IT solution. To solve this challenge, proMX developed a customized, scalable platform solution for fundraising. proMX experts improved the LBV's engagement with supporters, facilitated donation management, and enabled the visualization of business data for easier interpretation, further saving the LBV valuable time.
Customer Challenges
The LBV was experiencing a significant increase in supporters, which was a great sign, but also an organizational challenge. The old IT solution wasn't able to keep up with this growth, and eventually became a bottleneck. Importing donations into the system was possible only manually. Even worse, the system couldn't save or provide the necessary information for proper relationship management with its supporters, a vital task for the organization.
Partner Solution
By leveraging Microsoft Dataverse for Teams, proMX developed a custom solution for fundraising based on Microsoft Dynamics 365. All relevant donor data is now centralized and can be analyzed in detail within the solution. The connections between single data sets—for example affiliations to member groups such as families—are also immediately visible. This way, the LBV can target donors even more precisely. Furthermore, donor data can now be visualized in Power BI and leveraged by decision makers to extract meaningful insights. The platform solution is seamlessly integrated within LBV's Microsoft ecosystem.
Customer Benefits
“The way we stay in touch with our members and supporters is much more focused now—even down to sending birthday wishes, on time. A glance at our dashboards is all we need to be aware of the number and types of donations we have, and react accordingly.” says Alf Pille, managing director at the LBV. Further, the new solution enables the LBV to scan bank statements, evaluate transactions, and automatically assign them to a specific project or donor.
“The time we now save in administration thanks to our specialized Dynamics 365 solution directly benefits nature conservation and the preservation of biodiversity.”
Alf Pille, Managing Director Responsible for Association Development, LBV
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