“Doing the right thing is very important to the PPF. That’s something we’re very passionate about,” states Simon Liste, Chief Information Technology Officer at the Pension Protection Fund (PPF). “And, I’m very passionate about using technology and digital services for the greater good.”
Helping the PPF deliver on its mission to pay people the right amount at the right time
When Simon Liste joined the PPF in 2018, the organisation’s IT was completely outsourced. It ran two co-location datacentres and had a cumbersome environment with much legacy code and technical debt.
Simon Liste knew that the first task was to reset the services provided by the IT directorate to match the needs and ambition of the PPF, which meant taking back internal control of IT. The first step was to recruit a team that could address the technical debt and modernise the IT estate. The second step was to leverage the appropriate cloud services so the organisation could gain greater efficiency, visibility and control whilst enabling further modernisation.
Chris Douglas, Head of Architecture and Infrastructure at the PPF, explains, “We knew that by bringing IT inhouse and moving to the cloud we could innovate faster.”
Legacy was not only holding back the PPF’s ability to innovate, but also impacting the ability to improve security, in the face of ever-increasing cyber threats. “Outsourcing meant no one was driving architecture principles from the top,” continues Chris Douglas. “The managed service provider was looking at each piece of work on a project-by-project basis. This created a lot of siloed operations, inefficiency and over-provisioning.”
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