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February 02, 2023

University of Debrecen delivers future-ready skills and knowledge with Microsoft

The University of Debrecen, one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary, was looking to integrate more market-oriented, industry-relevant skills and certificates in its computer science programs. With the Microsoft Learn for Educators program (MSLE), the university introduced several courses in Azure technologies in its curricula and empowered its teachers and several dozen students to gain industry-recognized Microsoft Certifications for free, thereby enhancing their employability and university ranking.

University of Debrecen

Founded in 1538, the University of Debrecen is the oldest continuously operating university in Hungary. With about 28,000 students, it is also one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary today. “It’s a very multidisciplinary university. Our 13 faculties cover all fields,” says Prof. Dr. András Hajdu, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Debrecen. 

Today, most technological companies expect job applicants to have specific skills and knowledge in technologies such as cloud computing. Hence, the University of Debrecen was looking to equip students with more future-ready skills, knowledge, and certification opportunities to enhance their employability. “More than a quarter of our students are international and they need certificates that are globally recognized,” explains Hajdu. 

Specifically, the university wanted to focus on getting students certified in new, in-demand technologies. “Everything changes very fast in the field of computer science, and students and teachers alike need to keep up with the progression,” says Dr. Tamás Bérczes, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Debrecen. “By undertaking industry-recognized exams, students can gain an objective measure of their knowledge—and that is what we want to offer them here.” 

University students themselves acknowledge the need for gaining skills, knowledge and credentials for some of the most relevant technologies in their fields. “The biggest value we gain from certificates is usable knowledge that is based on real-world experiences. It’s a chance to demonstrate our skills and abilities,” says Tamás Girászi, a student at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Debrecen. “I decided to get certified in Microsoft technologies specifically because it’s a leading company with its own cloud systems and other services. The software is user-friendly, flexible and secure.”

Enhancing student employability

The University of Debrecen became one of the first higher education institutions to implement Microsoft technologies into their curricula using the Microsoft Learn for Educators program (MSLE). The initiative offers free access to Microsoft’s ready-to-teach curriculum and teaching materials aligned to Microsoft Certifications. 

“One of the first thing we did was to become the only Certiport Authorized Testing Center (CATC) in Hungary, meaning we are able to host Microsoft exams,” says Bérczes. “We then encouraged our educators to become certified lecturers and integrate MSLE curricula into their classes. We even held exam festivals to drive interest in certification.”

And most importantly, the faculty started teaching several courses on Azure technologies, offering students the opportunity to become certified for free and fast-track their studies. “If students pass the exam, they no longer have to finish the relevant course, which can sometimes save them half a year of studies,” explains Hajdu. “In fact, passing with a certain score means they are assigned the best possible grade for the class. Hence, students were very motivated to obtain such certificates for free.”

As a result of this initiative, the university has 150 students learning about the latest technologies in their courses every year. Approximately 50 students have already been certified in the AI-900 exam for AI Fundamentals and the AZ-900 exam for Azure Fundamentals. “The curriculum is intensive but very easy to understand. It gives us a good idea about what companies expect from us,” says Girazsi. “I obtained the certificates at the exam center at the university and being in a familiar environment and being tested by familiar instructors who know our timelines was very comfortable.“ This has in turn improved the employability of students and the university’s standing among other institutions. “With so many of our faculty employees certified in Azure technology, we can now more confidently advertise our courses and attract top talent,” adds Hajdu.

“With so many of our faculty employees certified in Azure technology, we can now more boldly advertise our courses and attract top talent. It also pushes our ranking higher in the list of institutions.”

Prof. Dr. András Hajdu, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, the University of Debrecen.

In the future, the faculty is planning to offer more courses and certificates with the MSLE program and expand the benefits to other departments. “Besides professional exams, we can teach and test soft skills as a Certiport center, so we can continue to expand the skills of those at the university,” says Hajdu. “We have a very good partnership with Microsoft and would like to continue with an even stronger cooperation in the future.”

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