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January 14, 2021

L’Oréal is revolutionizing work with Dynamics 365 Remote Assist on HoloLens 2

L’Oréal is well known around the world for the quality and extensive variety of its beauty products—the result of hard work by employees in 150 countries. To help employees be more efficient and productive, L’Oréal deployed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist on HoloLens 2 to make it easier to install, upgrade, troubleshoot, and audit manufacturing equipment with help from remote experts in real time. By connecting employees around the globe through mixed reality, L’Oréal is reducing costs, optimizing operations, and cutting down on travel—a benefit that ties directly to the company’s long-term commitment to environmental sustainability and minimizing its carbon footprint.

L’Oréal pour le Futur

Facilitating global work and helping the environment with mixed reality

Global beauty giant L’Oréal is passionate about the environment and human rights. The company decided to increase its efforts through a program called (“L’Oréal for the Future”) and has made multiple commitments through 2030 to tackle the challenges the world faces, including the reduction of CO2 emissions in industrial activity. One way that L’Oréal addresses environmental responsibility is through technology, and an example of this approach is the introduction of mixed reality capabilities into its factories.

L’Oréal has a wide range of products that require sophisticated machinery for production and packaging. Sometimes a machine requires service because a part broke, new equipment needs to be installed, or the machine might require an audit. In these cases, it’s not always easy to clearly explain the process over the phone, and it can be expensive to have experts travel to the site. This traditional approach to onsite servicing can also result in significant—and costly—delays.

To solve this challenge, the company sought a way to benefit from the expertise of individuals who aren’t onsite. L’Oréal chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist on HoloLens 2 to enable employees in one location to see what employees in another location are looking at in real time. They can react to the same image, use mixed reality annotations, and share critical information even when they’re physically on opposite sides of the globe. This significantly reduces operational and travel costs and boosts efficiency, providing an immediate return on investment.

“The time we spend on diagnostics and resolving issues has been cut in half. This has led directly to lower operational costs. It has also allowed us to be more agile and flexible.”

Georges-Alban Farges, Industrial Performance Manager, L’Oréal

Streamlining operations, cutting costs, and helping the environment

L’Oréal has been using Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and HoloLens 2 at its factories and has been extremely pleased with the results. The solution offers a more efficient way to share knowledge at an organization where work is extremely time sensitive. It’s easier than ever before to troubleshoot problems, and L’Oréal employees have been very comfortable working with the new technologies.

Because Dynamics 365 Remote Assist facilitates communication among employees at different sites, L’Oréal has been able to maximize the sharing of best practices and bring top expertise where it’s needed. The benefits have been dramatic. “The time we spend on diagnostics and resolving issues has been cut in half,” says Georges-Alban Farges, Industrial Performance Manager at the L’Oréal factory in Aulnay-sous-Bois, France. “This has led directly to lower operational costs. It has also allowed us to be more agile and flexible.”

For employees who need to work at multiple locations, the solution has significantly simplified their jobs. “Previously, I had to travel every time I needed to conduct a full factory audit,” explains Soraya Bourdin, Quality Auditor at L’Oréal. “Now with Dynamics 365 Remote Assist on HoloLens 2, I can perform an audit remotely without any problem and avoid long trips, jet lag, and a lot of fatigue. In fact, this approach improves audits because all my documents are readily accessible at my desk during the process.”

L’Oréal especially appreciates the reduction in travel that the new solution provides. Less travel means decreased CO2 emissions and a reduced carbon footprint, therefore creating a positive environmental impact in line with the company’s L’Oréal pour le Futur vision.

For onsite employees, it’s been easy to use the Dynamics 365 Remote Assist on HoloLens 2 solution. They’ve found the HoloLens 2 headset to be comfortable and light, with intuitive features, and they’ve reported that it’s very helpful to be able to keep their hands free for work while wearing the headset.

“I can use Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and HoloLens 2 to perform the last quality check before a piece of equipment is put into production, and I can use it upstream for our investment projects,” says Malika Ouiriemmi, Production Engineer at L’Oréal. “It allows me to work more efficiently because I don’t necessarily need the plans in my office anymore. Rather than flipping through technical manuals, I can now visualize and validate machinery more dynamically in the actual environment. Plus, I can access everything from any device, including Android and iOS devices as well as HoloLens 2.”

L’Oréal follows a corporate strategy of universalization, which means having a global presence with decentralized operations. The company strives to empower local teams to offer consumers products that are perfectly adapted to their needs. By deploying Microsoft mixed reality technologies, L’Oréal can provide local teams access to the company’s top experts, no matter where they’re located. In this way, the company can create successful products that benefit consumers globally.

Find out more about L’Oréal on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

“With Dynamics 365 Remote Assist on HoloLens 2, I can perform an audit remotely without any problem and avoid long trips, jet lag, and a lot of fatigue.”

Soraya Bourdin, Quality Auditor, L’Oréal

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